This is a demonstration version of Team Manager for Baseball (tm) from VisualWare. This software my be freely distributed provided no modifications are made. Team Manager for Baseball is a statistics and team management package for Windows. o Easy to Use o Flexible Reporting The principal limitations of the demonstration version are: 1. You cannot add any games. Four games are predefined and you can edit them. 2. You cannot add any teams. Five teams are predefined and you can edit these as well. 3. There is no printing. For a limited time Team Manager for Baseball is available for $59.95 + SH. (NJ, OH, and NC customers must add sales tax.) To order call (800)553-2287 between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Eastern Time or view the help file in the program. You can contact us at Team Manager for Baseball requires: o 386 PC or higher o 4 MB Memory o A Mouse o Windows 3.1 o DOS V 5.0 or higher To Install: If you are not running Windows for Workgroups (Plain Windows) then you need to run SHARE.EXE. If you do not have one already, place the line C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE /L:500 in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and reboot. Unzip the distribution file into a directory. To Run: Either o create a program manager icon or o Do FILE/RUN directory\baseball.exe Copyright 1994 VisualWare Inc. Portions Owned By: Copyright 1993-1994 Sheridan Software, Inc. Copyright 1989-1994 Microsoft Corporation